MDK Law can help assist you with establishing a Special Needs Trust for your loved ones with disabilities so that they will continue to have access to public benefits while providing them with additional financial resources to sustain the quality of their life. Our experienced attorneys can assist you in the development of a special needs trust and advise you about administering the trust without risking eligibility to entitlement programs such as Social Security Income (SSI) , Medical Assistance (MA)/Medicaid or other Federal, State and local benefit programs.
If you have received a financial settlement on a personal injury claim in which you sustained a debilitating injury, you should consider a self-funded special needs trust as a way of preserving your eligibility for programs after you recover damages in your personal injury lawsuit. Prior to receiving settlement compensation, a special needs trust should be established so that entitlement eligibility is not jeopardized. The attorneys at MDK Law can help you establish a self-funded trust and arrange for your monetary award to fund your special needs trust as part of your settlement.
Other situations where a Special Needs Trust should be considered include an unanticipated inheritance, a Social Security back-payment or other asset acquisition, all of which could disqualify a person for public benefits. Contact MDK Law today to customize a trust that addresses your